About Me

My name is Yuchi Huang. I work for ACT, where I lead the team of automated content generation and spearhead R&D on the use of machine learning in various educational applications. My technical background is in natural language processing (NLP), computer vision and machine learning. My current areas of interest include automatic generation of multimodal educational resources, multimodal analytics for measurement of complex skills and competencies, and deep learning based knowledge tracing.

Prior to joining ACT, I was an NLP research scientist at Educational Testing Service (ETS). From 2010 to 2015, I worked for GE Research and NEC Labs as a computer vision scientist. I earned my PhD in computer science from Rutgers University.

A sampling of recent work I have led

Sphinx: An Automated Passage and Item Generation System [Paper][Video Demo]

Deep Knowledge Tracing with Transformers [Paper][Code Coming soon]

Generating Photorealistic Facial Expressions in Dyadic Interactions [Paper][Code]